Flower Essence Therapy

Flower Essence Therapy

Flower Essences belong to the growing field of energy medicine represented by the Homeopathic, Ayurvedic & Oriental Health systems. Like other potential remedies, flower essences carry the vibrational patterns of the life forces they were made from. We believe flower essences to be some of the safest most effective and least intrusive remedies in natural pharmacopoeia. The formulas we use are synergistic blends of several flowers. These blends have been carefully designed and tested over many years. Combining essences in this way produce an effect that greatly enhances the potency of each remedy promoting deep and enhanced results.

Flower essence consultations involve a conversation about the individual’s specific needs, and goals, overview of the desired results from the remedies and muscle testing to fine tune the specifics of the use of the flower essences for the client. This personalized approach has been proven to be an effective way to gently dissipate intensity of emotions so the individual can move through transitions and challenges with clarity and ease.

Consultations are $30 plus the cost of the remedies, $20/ bottle.

Contact Ruthann at rahadish@amesyoga.com or call (515) 291-YOGA to schedule a session.

Flower Essence Therapy